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Top 10 Hotels in Pekanbaru

Popular Accommodation Types in Pekanbaru

Thu, 27 Mar - Fri, 28 Mar


The Siak River slices through this economic centre and capital of Indonesia’s Riau province which, blessed with an abundance of other natural resources, has rapidly evolved from humble market beginnings. Home to great-tasting food from chicken porridge to fried noodles, Pasar Pusat’s bustling market, and exciting waterparks, rural experiences and natural features remain Pekanbaru’s main highlight, from rainforest waterfalls to Taman Wisata Alam Mayang’s attractions situated in lush greenery. recently found 275 hotels in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. Find a range of accommodation in Pekanbaru at great prices. Book luxury Pekanbaru hotels or find last minute accommodation. Save more on cheap hotels in Pekanbaru with affordable room rates.

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